Environment Councillor Councillor Councillor Environment ANIMAL PROTECTION
Consolidation through agreements with private service intervention on the territory, covering the span of 24 hours.
Approval by the City Council of an innovative rules for the protection and welfare of animals.
Conversion of the kennel in a naturalistic, approved and funded by the City and Region of the first phase of renovation of the old farmhouse and expansion of the kennel. Establishment of the Urban Wildlife
to handle all responsibilities relating to the protection of animals, stray dogs and to develop a proper human-animal coexistence in the city. Country abandonment
Realization of a special publication "Urban Wildlife - how to live in a city with animals" and seminar held in the fall.
study on behavior and welfare of dogs housed at the kennel Municipal Reggio Emilia ", sponsored by the University of Parma and Milan, aimed to study the dogs and the well-being in the doghouse.
Development, in collaboration with the University of Parma and through regional funding in collaboration with the CEA, of an educational work in schools (23 classes) to develop a good relationship with the dogs and cats. Project educational relationship between man and animal "like cats and dogs"
Completion of the external structure of the shelter, with the construction of 3 new Areas to be allocated to the growing number of cats waiting for sterilization.
2005 Development of a training course on new regulations, "Protection and Control of Animals"
Publication of a handbook on major violations in environmental protection and animal control
Implementation of a sales promotion, in collaboration with the ' Provincial Administration, aimed at spreading the use of the identification procedure which microhip dogs
Organization seminar here ... cat breeding there, with the participation of Giorgio Celli, addressed to all the many admirers of cats.
Continuation of research University of Parma / Functional and Evolutionary Biology Department, carried out at the municipal dog pound, on the study of behavioral and physiological adaptation of the dogs at guests.
Conduct of information campaigns, in collaboration with Enia SpA, Local Health and FCR, aimed at increasing awareness in the implementation of necessary preventive measures to contain the Asian tiger mosquito in the territory.
Complete renovation and expansion of the service structure (warehouse / storage in animal foods, kitchen, changing rooms and toilets) of the kennel / cattery city. E 'became operational at the project's wetlands the municipal dog pound.
continued collaboration with WWF and LIPU, respectively with the management of the Oasis Marmirolo and management of the Centre Birds "Winged Cross."
Integrated fight the tiger mosquito.
Start of intervention strategy agreed with experimental ENIA against dell'Arocatus, better known as "Bug elm."
ongoing collaboration with the Voluntary Ecological Guards to ensure complementary activities for monitoring the municipal
Project implementation zooantropologia teaching "The dog the cat I. .."
Microchippatura dogs Free
Design subject area at Park LIPU Abracadabra;
Promotion of the campaign against cruelty to animals
Implementation zooantropologia educational project "The animals and the ecosystem to school"
Microchippatura dogs free
Opens new
structures of the municipal dog pound
information and promotional activities aimed at protecting the animals in urban
Prevention of stray
forms of solidarity and respect for a proper co-existence with humans
Annual Seminar on mistreatment of animals and their protection
Realization The seminar "The law 189/2004 The prohibition of cruelty to animals, doctrine and jurisprudence"
Birth of a new public park in collaboration with the Ipercoop Ariosto area adjacent to the kennels. The area is also equipped with a space dedicated to business agility, mobility and training for dogs. Intensification of the Center
Abracadabra / Cross Winged Lipu for environmental education to schools.
information campaigns, in collaboration with Enia Spa, Local Health and FCR, aimed at increasing awareness in the implementation the necessary preventive measures to contain the Asian tiger mosquito in the territory
were issued in 2004: 421 approvals, 20 ordinances and 314 acts prescriptive, 97 views, carried 68 commission / service conferences and conducted 68 site visits. In support of our overall service, the administrative office has produced 179 acts (resolutions, calculated and payable), 167 purchase orders and 28 penalties
enforcement actions against abandonment of waste on land municipal by Enia, with redeveloping abandoned waste on public areas.
In the field of water protection in addition to normal activities permitting the discharge of waste water from buildings of a program of extraordinary control of discharges and visited all the buildings equipped with sewage treatment plant. In collaboration with ARPA
implementation of analytical findings in the larger settlements, must comply with discharge quality limits required by law.
Of particular importance for the city are also issues of environmental restoration of contaminated sites, waste disposal facilities opinions, orders and urgent contingibili, atmospheric emissions, noise studies and interventions and the problems of public hygiene, also linked to and weed out the necessary health and veterinary procedures.
2006 - 2007
Moves waste - has intensified the efforts to combat the phenomenon of waste in the municipal area. Through Enia, have reclaimed many public areas, while at the same have been adopted Ordinances remediation of sites issued against the owners who have allowed the occurrence of accumulations of waste, does not adequately protect the property.
Companies that waste disposal and recovery - in the process of approval to the installation, operation and the periodic renewal of which refer to the Province, the office has participated in conferences or opinions of Services, collecting opinions from other municipal services building and town planning aspects.
polluted sites - Of particular importance are the participatory process (Harp, Ausl Province and stakeholders) with which the City has investigated and approved the draft remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater.
Water pollution - Water - In addition to the normal activity of permitting the discharge of waste water from buildings (domestic surface water drainage system in production) took place on the program of extraordinary control of discharges of the buildings that are not connected to public sewerage and sewage treatment plant discharging into surface water through private. With ARPA analytical investigations were carried out at the larger settlements, must comply with discharge quality limits required by law.
extending the new sewer, inviting them to tie themselves to the owners of buildings with air cleaner. This is to improve the current state of the water quality of surface watercourses. These operations will continue in 2007.
Creating a working group they belonged as well as internal departments including Harp and Enia concerning the identification of the possibility of the drains adjusted for new construction projects, in order to reduce discharges into surface waters to actual cases lack of sewerage.
Air pollution - Air - In proceedings for the authorization of provincial emissions into the atmosphere of the companies, participation by collecting their views and also the health requirements of the USL on. Given the new provisions of the Uniform Environmental DLgv 152/06, also participate in the investigation of the provincial IPPC (IPPC) of the Companies with its opinion (coordinated expertise on all aspects of municipal planning and health) also intervening in the work of Services Conference, gathering the opinion AUSL e-health as treating the filing of counter-instances, the publication on burer, send the material to the partners of procedure.
Noise - Noise - Adopt measures to contain noise dl productive activities and services.
Confirmation of administrative activity conducted in previous years.
Implementation of a monitoring program of water discharges to surface waters aimed at identifying critical issues and subsequent solutions (sewage).
Establishment of a permanent water quality.
Drafting Plan Polab telephony and the establishment of a permanent observatory on electromagnetic pollution